Webcam & screen recorder

Record super polished videos

Our user-friendly video recorder turns your entire team into video producers.

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Do a double take

Make your videos more engaging by capturing your face, your screen, or both with side-by-side and picture-in-picture layouts.

See for yourself

Present like a boss

Our built-in teleprompter gives you two ways to nail your lines.

Upload a script

Then adjust the size, scroll speed, and positioning so it works for you.

Script with AI

Not sure what to say? Try our AI-powered script generator.

Video software UI showing a webcam and screen recorder Chrome extension window over a webpage


Wistia’s Google Chrome extension

No matter where you are on the web, you can now start recording a super-polished video in a single click.

Try out the Chrome extension

Editing made easy

No professional chops needed.

Learn more

Fix mistakes

Cut out any awkward pauses and muffled words.

Add music

Pick from our royalty-free selection of Smart Tracks, which automatically adjust to the length of your video.

Toggle between layouts

Switch between webcam and screen layouts throughout your video, or show both at the same time.

Get clips for social

Our AI scans long-form videos for the most shareable snippets so you don’t have to comb through hours of footage.

Ready to record?

Sign up for free

4 ways to video

No matter what you do, our video recorder can help you do it better.

Record away
  • Presentations

    Nobody knows your business like you do, so wouldn’t it be great if you could record your product demos and pitches yourself? Now you can.

  • Talking heads

    Add a personal touch to your social posts, blog articles, emails, company announcements, and more with some quality face time.

  • Customer support

    Lighten the load on your customer service team with FAQ videos and virtual product walkthroughs.

  • Customer success

    Record a customer onboarding video with account details, tips, and best practices so that each customer has a resource they can reference whenever, wherever.

Frequently asked questions

Get all the As to your FAQs.

  • What is screen recording?

    A screen recording is a video that captures everything shown on your computer screen. With Wistia’s screen recorder, you can choose to record a browser tab, a browser window, or the entire screen. You can also capture your voice and your webcam video while recording your screen and then edit the elements together for polished product demos, support videos, and more.

  • How can I record my screen?

    There are a bunch of tools you can use to record your computer screen, but Wistia’s free screen recorder makes it super easy. You can record your screen and webcam at the same time, use an AI script generator and built-in teleprompter to stay on message, and polish up your recording with our free video editor. Simply sign in to your Wistia account or use our Google Chrome extension to start recording your screen.

  • Is online screen recording secure?

    Yes! Recording your screen online with Wistia is secure. No one outside of your Wistia account can see your recordings until you’re ready to share them.

  • Am I able to edit my screen recordings?

    Yes, you can edit your screen recordings in Wistia. Just open your recording in our online video editor to switch between layouts, trim content, edit your video with text, stitch in clips from other videos, and add transitions and background music.

  • How can I record my screen with audio?

    With Wistia’s screen recorder, you can select your audio source before you start recording. Wistia sets your audio source to the system default, but you can change it to an external microphone if you prefer.

Ready to take Wistia for a spin?