11 Clever Ways to Repurpose Webinar Content

Meisha Bochicchio


Wistia Live is here! With Wistia Live, creating webinars and live events is a whole lot easier. You can create an event landing page, collect registrants, and host an engaging presentation that your audience will love. Learn more about how you can set up your webinar, go live, and redistribute your content all in one place.

As any marketer knows, running webinars takes a lot of work. The research and prep, sourcing speakers, managing event promotion and asset creation, and of course, running the live event.

After all that time and effort you put into making your webinar, wouldn’t you want to squeeze as much as you can out of your efforts?

Webinars aren’t one-and-done events. They’re a treasure trove of content that can span across multiple formats and channels.

“Webinars aren’t one-and-done events. They’re a treasure trove of content that can span across multiple formats and channels.”

To help you maximize the ROI of your video marketing efforts, we’ve compiled this list of clever ways you can repurpose your webinar content. Add a few of these to your webinar checklist, and get more mileage out of your marketing videos!

1. Host webinar as evergreen content on your website

A webinar’s life doesn’t end after you stop recording. The first thing you should do after the webinar recording is processed is to add the video to your website as evergreen content.

“The first thing you should do after the recording is processed is to add the video to your website as evergreen content.”

There are a few ways to approach this. Many companies have a dedicated page for housing webinars, making it easy for folks to navigate to find your webinar archive. This page can simply be a collection of video embeds on a single page or even a beautiful, branded video Channel. Alternatively, you could host individual webinars on blog pages to add more context to your video presentation.

Generate leads or serve viewers related content with interactive video tools!

2. Write a blog post or series around webinar topics

Blogs are an obvious way to repurpose webinar content. They’re also great for communicating nitty-gritty details — like step-by-step instructions — that are hard to remember after watching a video. And, they can be a relatively low-lift follow-up to the live event.

For a straightforward approach, use the webinar outline to guide a recap post. This post can also include a video embed of the actual event if you don’t have a dedicated webinar library or a prominent Call to Action to drive folks to watch the full recording.

Curious about how this looks in the wild? Check out this recap post for our webinar on content marketing trends.

If you host a guest, leverage their network and expertise for a guest post. This content can be a more in-depth version of the webinar or a topic tangential to the central theme. For example, if you host a sales-centric webinar with an expert, publish a follow-up post on their top 10 tips for successful sales outreach. If the blog gains traction and resonates with your audience, you could even build a blog series around each of the individual tips.

3. Create an in-depth report or ebook

If the topic is robust enough, you could also create an in-depth report or ebook as a complement. Similar to blog content, this supplemental asset could follow the general presentation outline or dive deep into one specific area. An asset like this is also a great value-add as a follow-up in your post-webinar email.

Alternatively, you could repurpose a recent report or guide for a webinar in a larger marketing campaign. Get creative with content and campaigns you already have and find different ways to use the same core materials. Less work for you and a better experience for your audience — it’s a win-win!

“Get creative with content and campaigns you already have and find different ways to use the same core materials.”

4. Record a podcast with a webinar guest

If your company has a brand podcast, listen up. Webinars are an excellent gateway for finding your next podcast guest. Continue your webinar conversation by inviting people involved in the event — whether internal or external — to join your show.

If you haven’t started a branded podcast yet, webinars can be a natural stepping stone to launching a new show. With guests and topics already at your disposal, you can use webinars as foundations for early podcast episodes. And podcasts can be a great place to dive deeper into topics that you didn’t have enough time to explore during the full broadcast.

If you’re on the hunt for more podcast material, webinars are Q&A hotbeds that can help that cause. If you have any leftover audience questions from your webinar, you can use your podcast as an opportunity to answer them. Even if they were answered in the webinar, you could still get your guest to revisit questions in more detail.

5. Capture Q&A conversations and poll answers for content

Speaking of Q&A, the interactive elements of a webinar are a goldmine for repurposing content. During the live presentation, questions can spark inspiration for follow-up blogs or even warrant an offline conversation to do a deep dive into the topic. Polls are also valuable info that can be shared elsewhere — social media follow-ups, blog posts, etc. Be sure your moderator collects and documents this info for later use.

6. Create bite-sized graphics

Transforming data and insights from your webinar into bite-sized graphics is a surefire way to engage your audience. If your webinar includes new or compelling data and insights, simplify that information by translating it into easy-to-understand visuals.

Webinar graphics are an incredibly effective way to get traction on social media. Bold, colorful images are great for catching your audience’s attention while they’re scrolling on their feed. Repurpose these assets as eye-catching hooks to get people curious about your webinar content — whether that’s the actual recording, a follow-up blog, or a podcast episode.

“Webinar graphics are an especially effective way to get traction on social media. Bold, colorful images are great for catching your audience’s attention while they’re scrolling on their feed.”

Custom graphics are also useful in spreading brand awareness. People love to share visual information like compelling data or strong quotes. If your webinar content is a good fit for visual components, dust off your graphic design skills and create simple, branded graphics. Now, when people share your content, they’ll know exactly what company is behind it.

7. Divide key webinar moments into short video clips

Your webinar doesn’t need to only exist as one long video. Make it more engaging by identifying informative, entertaining moments from your webinar and turning them into short video clips.

The best part? Dividing key webinar moments into short clips saves a ton of time for viewers. Many of your audience members won’t be able to commit to a webinar that runs one or two hours live. However, they are likely to have two or three minutes to spare on individual clips that share important takeaways or entertaining moments from the webinar.

If you’re looking for short video clips to create based on your webinar, think about two things: informational value and entertainment value. A clip that shares poignant data or insight is always going to interest viewers. On the other hand, a video where a webinar host or guest shares a powerful quote or contrarian opinion can also be great for drawing in viewers.

“If you’re looking for short video clips to create based on your webinar, think about two things: informational value and entertainment value.”

These clips are ideal for post-webinar promotion. Share these clips via email to folks who didn’t attend the live event to entice them to tune in. Or, share via social to pique the interest of a whole new set of potential viewers!

8. Turn the webinar deck into a SlideShare presentation

If you’re not familiar with SlideShare already, it’s pretty self-explanatory: it’s a site dedicated to sharing slideshows. It sounds pretty simple — and it is. That’s the beauty of it! And people enjoy it so much that LinkedIn actually bought the site in 2012.

Slideshare is particularly useful if your content is relevant to professional audiences. The LinkedIn integration makes it super easy for folks to share individual slides. It can also increase the audience for your content by introducing it to people searching for very specific information.

Keep in mind — your slide deck won’t have the audio component. This is important if your deck is heavy on the visuals. The information might not translate as well in isolation — so keep that in mind during the design process if you do plan to create a SlideShare.

9. Distribute webinar takeaways on social media

Social media is a natural place to promote your webinar content. From promoting upcoming events to solicit registrations to pushing out past events for ongoing engagement — there are several ways to repurpose your webinar content on social.

For pre-event promotion, tease webinar takeaways and key stats (if applicable) within images and copy. During the webinar, consider live-tweeting and sharing slides in real-time to spark conversations and engagement around the content. We’ve done this with a few webinars here at Wistia!

After the event, be sure to give your new evergreen content some love. You can use the same images you used to tease the webinar in the first place; you’ll just be driving folks to the video content on your website now versus soliciting sign-ups for the live event.

10. Repurpose webinar content for a conference or live event

What is a webinar in its most raw form? A presentation! Depending on your topic and format, your webinar might also be a great candidate to repurpose into a presentation for a conference or live event. This repurposing might be extra appealing to your design team, as presentations can be a heavy lift to put together. So, get more mileage out of your webinars and repurpose that content for your next live gig!

11. Retarget webinar viewers

Another great way to get more mileage out of your webinar content is to retarget those viewers with additional relevant content.

For email campaigns, you could set up different behavior-based nurture segments based on whether someone attended the live events and then go a step further with additional triggers based on how folks interact with your emails.

You could use landing page traffic to push folks who didn’t register through the funnel with retargeting ads or even use that information to build a custom audience to identify and target new registrants.

You could also use your video data to build retargeting campaigns based on viewership after the live webinar. Video retargeting is a great evergreen campaign idea to continue to engage your audiences well after the live event is over.

Repurpose your webinars to fuel your content efforts

Once you’ve put your webinar-based content out there for the world to see, gauge people’s responses to figure out what’s working and what’s not. And don’t be afraid to test and optimize as you go. If one particular element isn’t working, ditch it and put more effort into what resonates with your audience. By doing so, you can create a flywheel of content that feeds itself over time. You’ll be running a well-oiled content marketing machine in no time!

Meisha Bochicchio


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