11 Easy Ways for Marketers to Repurpose Video Content

Discover all the different ways you can transform your existing videos into new pieces of content.

Chiara Hoogervorst


We all know that creating a killer video can take a lot of time, effort, and money. You don’t always have to start from scratch, though! If you tap into the potential of your existing videos and repurpose them, you’ll get to reach a broader audience in new and exciting ways without breaking a sweat — or the bank.

Giving your existing videos a fresh spin is a smart and efficient way to stretch your investment, create evergreen pieces that continue to engage your audience over time, and experiment with new mediums and channels.

You can turn your videos into podcasts, GIFs, blog posts, and more. In fact, we’ve got 11 ideas. Let’s dive in!

1. Turn videos into audio podcasts

We all love watching videos, but let’s face it: Sometimes our eyeballs just need a break. That’s where audio content comes in.

Simply turn your videos into audio podcasts and voila! You’ve tapped into a whole new market of folks who prefer to consume information on the go without the need for a screen. Lucky for you, turning your video content into audio content is a breeze.

Heads up: Not all videos are great fits for podcasts. Evaluate your video content to see if you can easily convert it into an audio-only format. Not sure which types of video content work well for podcasts? We’ve got a guide that can help you out!

How to turn a video into audio content

You just need to extract the audio from the video file, edit it to your liking, and then upload it onto your favorite podcast hosting platform(s). Let’s break down the process:

Step 1: Extract the audio

Use video editing software or an online audio extractor to grab the audio from the video. Next, convert the audio file to a format that works for podcasts. MP3 is usually the way to go since most podcast hosting platforms (like Wistia) require that format.

Step 2: Edit the audio

Load the .mp3 file into an audio editing tool to remove any unwanted noise or long pauses. There are lots of tools that can do this, but we recommend our integration partner Descript, a powerful audio and video editing platform.

Step 3: Record an intro and outro

Next up, you’ll want to add an intro and an outro to your podcast episode. If you recorded a conversation, you might not need to do this step. However, having a polished introduction and conclusion can help build your podcast’s identity and make it more recognizable to your audience. So it’s worth considering if you want to create a professional-sounding podcast.

Step 4: Upload and distribute the podcast

When you’re happy with your finished audio file, it’s time to share it with the world! You can upload it to Wistia or any other podcast hosting platform of your choice. And why stop there? You can also distribute your podcast on popular platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.

2. Create high-quality GIFs

Do you know what can totally steal the show in the sea of text and still images out there? GIFs! These little animated gems are a fantastic way to get your message across in a fun and engaging way. And if you’ve got some visually-stunning video content, well then, it’s like hitting the jackpot for GIF-making.

How to create high-quality GIFs

Picture this: you stumble upon a blurry and pixelated GIF that looks like it was made in the 90s. Are you going to trust the brand behind it? Probably not! That’s why creating GIFs with good-quality visuals is super important.

If you ask us, silent looping videos are the way to go. They have better resolution and they can retain more details and colors than GIFs. Plus, they take up less space on your website, which means faster load times and happier users.

Do you see the GIF up above? That’s a silent looping video in action.

Creating a silent looping video is a cinch on Wistia. All you gotta do is grab your clip from your Wistia-hosted video, customize it to remove all the sound and player controls, and then embed it onto your site. We’ve even put together a tutorial that breaks down all the steps for you.

3. Pull clips for social media

Short and sweet is the name of the game on social media video. That means you need bite-sized video clips in your arsenal if you want to engage your audience on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and other social platforms.

To see what we mean, check out this example where we shared a clip from a Talking Too Loud episode on Twitter:

All you need to do is slice and dice your longer videos into shorter clips. You can grab stand-out quotes from customer testimonials, create snippets for Instagram reels, use epic teaser clips to entice folks to watch the longer version, spin up a short and snappy explainer video, and do so much more.

How to pull clips for social media

If you host your videos on Wistia, we have good news: It’s super easy to repurpose longer videos into snackable clips right in the platform. Just fire up Wistia’s editor, open the video, cut out all the unnecessary parts until you have the clip you want, and then save it as a copy. Want more details or some visual aid? Head on over to our support doc.

4. Pull clips for your help center

We all know that reading through pages and pages of text can be super boring, and honestly, who’s got the time for that? That’s why it’s a good idea to load up your support docs with visuals in the form of short video clips. Here’s a good example:

Help center video clips can break down even the most complex topics into easy-to-understand guides. And the best part? Your customers can rewatch them as many times as they need to get it just right. Video clips are also a game-changer for visual learners who need to see things in action to understand them.

“Help center video clips can break down even the most complex topics into easy-to-understand guides.”

How to pull clips for your help center

If you have an in-depth video tutorial, a webinar recording, or another long-form video that demonstrates how to use your product, pull out the best parts that focus on solving specific challenges your customers are facing.

You can do this right in Wistia. All you need to do is open up your video in Wistia’s editor, cut out the parts you don’t need, and voila! You’ve got yourself a shiny new clip that’s ready to use.

If you need a little extra help navigating our editing feature, our support doc has got you covered.

5. Turn videos into ads

Want to create video ads that grab attention, but don’t have much time or money to spend? No worries; your existing videos can save the day! With some clever repurposing, you can transform your content into eye-catching ads without ever leaving your computer chair.

We do this all the time at Wistia. For instance, we recently released our 2023 State of Video Report. We knew we had to get the word out in a big way, so we decided to run a video ad on social media. Our brilliant video production team took a 56-second video they’d already made about the report and turned it into a punchy 20-second ad. Check it out!

How to turn videos into ads

Just grab the best parts of your video, add some flair, and boom! You’ve got a killer ad ready to go.

Start by opening your video in Wistia’s editor. From there, you can trim, split, and cut your video until you have the key highlights you want to feature in your ad. But why stop there? You can also add video bumpers, recorded intros, stock clips, and whatever else your heart desires.

If you’re feeling extra creative and want to take your ad to the next level with some fancy text overlays, a cool voiceover, or other special effects, Wistia’s got you covered. We’ve got a variety of production integrations that allow you to export your video from Wistia to another editing program for further customization.

6. Group together clips to create a longer video

If you’ve got a bunch of short videos on the same topic, why not combine them into a longer, more comprehensive video?

Let’s say you have several clips showcasing all the cool things you can do with your product. By combining them, you can create a handy video guide that takes viewers through the whole process from start to finish.

Not only is this a great way to repurpose your existing content, but it’s also an efficient way to create longer videos without having to film anything new. So dig through your video library and see what hidden gems you can stitch together into a masterpiece!

How to join together clips to create a longer video

You just need to grab all your clips and throw ’em into a video editor. If you have a Wistia Pro, Advanced, or Premium plan, you can stitch together clips in our editor.

When you’re combining different media clips, sometimes it can result in a choppy or unpolished transition from one clip to the next. No one wants that, right? So consider improving your new video with some smooth transitions between each clip.

7. Turn video content into a blog post

Long-form videos like webinars or product announcements are great for diving deep into a topic, but let’s face it. They can be challenging to consume in one sitting. By turning them into a blog post, you’re providing your audience with a more manageable format to digest at their convenience.

Doing this also makes your content more accessible and shareable, and it helps you attract new customers through SEO and social media. Plus, it’s a great way to mix things up and keep your audience engaged.

“This makes your content more accessible and shareable, and it helps you attract new customers through SEO and social media.”

At Wistia, we do this pretty often. A little while back, we launched Wistia Live and our co-founders hosted a special live event to announce it. And afterwards, we took the recording and turned it into a blog post that recapped the whole thing.

How to turn video content into a blog post

The quickest way to turn a video into a blog article is to transcribe the video, publish the transcript on your blog, and then call it a day. But let’s be real; that’s not the most exciting thing to read.

Instead, use the video transcript as a jumping-off point and create an awesome article that stands on its own. Summarize the key points, add headers, expand on the ideas, and make sure your readers get all the important info they need in a fun, easily digestible way.

This approach takes a bit more time, but your readers will thank you for it. And who knows? You might even attract a whole new audience of folks who prefer their content in written form!

8. Create a channel

Do you have a bunch of videos on a similar topic? You should bring them together and display them in a channel. It’ll be a one-stop shop for your viewers to easily find and binge-watch all your awesome content about a particular topic. This not only enhances your audience’s viewing experience, but it also increases their audience engagement with your content.

How to repurpose individual videos into a series

If you publish most of your videos on YouTube, you can use playlists to group content within your channel. All you need to do is make a playlist and choose which videos to add to it.

You can also create a Wistia Channel and put it right on your site. Wistia Channels are much more customizable than YouTube playlists — you can change the color, font, and layout to match your brand.

Looking to turn viewers into leads? Wistia’s got your back! Just gate your Wistia Channel with Turnstile or enable the subscribe button to collect email addresses from interested viewers.

9. Turn customer interviews into testimonials

If you’ve ever filmed in-depth customer interviews for video case studies, you may already have a treasure trove of valuable content at your fingertips. Instead of letting these videos gather dust in your marketing folder, why not repurpose them into snippets that pack a punch?

By extracting standout quotes and engaging moments from these interviews, you can create impactful bite-sized video testimonials that are perfect for sharing on social media, your blog, or your website. This not only saves you time and effort, but it also helps you build credibility with your audience.

Want to see an example? We interviewed one of our customers, AlayaCare, about how they increased their video views with Wistia Channels. We then pulled this glowing testimonial from the video:

How to repurpose customer interview videos into testimonials

Take a deep dive into your customer interviews and identify the most valuable and compelling quotes. Once you’ve found the gold nuggets, open up the video in an editor and start trimming until you’ve extracted the perfect clip.

Repeat the process for as many quotes as you want to use, and voila! You’ve got a collection of engaging clips that are ready to be shared with the world.

If you’re going to embed the clips in a blog post or on your site, upload them to a video hosting platform like Wistia and then grab the embed code for each one. If you’re using Wistia’s editing feature to extract the clips, they’ll be automatically saved to your Wistia Content Library. Just get the embed codes from there and you’re all good to go.

You may also want to create a dedicated playlist or channel for these testimonial videos on YouTube or Wistia.

10. Use video content to create infographics

Infographics are a great way to present data and statistics in a clear, concise, and visually appealing manner. So if you’ve got a video that’s chock full of fascinating data or insights, why not repurpose it into an infographic?

It’s a clever way to expand your content’s exposure and connect with more people. Infographics are super shareable, which can help boost your brand’s visibility and attract new followers who may not have been interested in your video content alone.

“Infographics are super shareable, which can help boost your brand’s visibility and attract new followers.”

How to repurpose video content into an infographic

There are tons of online tools like Venngage and Visme that can help you turn your video content into a stunning infographic. Alternatively, you can collaborate with a designer to create a custom infographic that aligns with your brand.

One great thing about repurposing your video content into an infographic is that you can reuse any data visualizations like graphs or charts that you’ve already created for your video. And if your video includes slides that highlight key stats or findings, you can easily incorporate those into your infographic too.

You can use the same flow and structure from your video, but present the information in a static image instead of a moving video. Plus, if you have an animated video, you may be able to extract stills from it to use in your infographic. How’s that for efficiency?

11. Embed videos onto your website

Adding videos to your website is a powerful way to engage your audience and showcase your brand in action. Instead of just reading about your company and product, your visitors can experience them in action through dynamic videos. It’s a simple yet often overlooked strategy that can make a big impact on your website’s success.

So what types of videos should you be adding to your website? Here are a few ideas:

  • Product or feature explainer videos that highlight the benefits and unique features of your offering
  • Social proof or customer testimonials that showcase the positive experiences of your customers
  • Team and company culture videos that give users a glimpse behind the scenes and show off your company’s personality and values

You’ll be creating a more engaging and memorable user experience that will set you apart from the competition. And you probably already have a treasure trove of relevant video content just waiting to be repurposed for your site!

If you’re looking for a good example, look no further than our site. We love creating and sharing videos, so it’s only natural that our pages and blog posts are filled with them. If you want to see what we’re talking about, take a peek at our features page, which includes 12 different videos. Yep, 12. Told ya we live and breathe videos!

How to reuse videos for your website

Comb through your video library and see which existing videos would be a good fit for your website.

Once you’ve identified the videos you want to showcase on your site, it’s time to upload them onto a video hosting platform like Wistia. From there, all you have to do is grab the embed codes and add them to your site.

If you need to make any adjustments to your videos first, simply open them up in a video editor or use Wistia’s built-in editor after uploading them to the platform. From there, you can trim, crop, or add special effects — the sky’s the limit!

Maximize your repurposed videos with a video marketing strategy

As the saying goes, “Work smarter, not harder.” And when it comes to your video content, the same rule applies. By repurposing your existing videos, you can breathe new life into your content and reach a wider audience without breaking the bank.

But don’t just dive in headfirst without a solid plan. It’s important to create a video marketing strategy that guides your content creation, repurposing, and distribution, so you don’t end up creating videos just for the sake of it.

Luckily, we’ve got your back! Our comprehensive guide to video marketing will help you develop a winning strategy and make the most of your repurposed content.

Chiara Hoogervorst


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